Saturday 21 May 2011

The Outing, from Crick.

IMG_0002 fieldpath to Crick          IMG_0003 Bridalway to Crick

Yesterday we walked up the long straight Bridleway over Cracks Hill and through the pleasant fields of browsing sheep and cows, into Crick. Twice a week Caterall’s Coaches run a trip into Daventry and we had to be there early to catch it. There were two boaters and several villagers waiting to board, who informed us that we must get the same coach back at 12.15 as it was the only one. Apparently this service is to be cut in July which will be a great pity as about twenty passengers were picked up in various hamlets en route. I was taking Bottle for his approval of some Astro Turf I had seen, that would be a practical cover on Oakfield’s cratch floor. He liked it, so we ordered some, Mark kindly offered to deliver to us next week. We had coffee and bacon rolls in Wetherspoons and drifted around the town picking up a few things we needed. We very much enjoyed the smooth ride on our day out all around the lanes and the sun managed to stay out all day. As we made our way back along the towpath we had a chat with our new neighbours on nb Canopus. We then flaked out in the cratch with salad and a well earned Guinness and Speckled Hen, our favourite drinks.

IMG_0001 the grass is always greener      IMG_0005 new cratch cushions

The grass is always greener on the other side so they say, and this cow was risking her neck over the barbed wire for a munch. I have finished sewing the covers for the cratch cushions and we are very pleased with the way they look.

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