Sunday 6 July 2014

Awaydays 2.

IMG_6731    DSC00077 OCT 2010    IMG_4978 Ladybird 31.11.2013

We said our goodbyes, then we sped across country to visit Nan and Pop and to sort out his mobile phone and set the television up for them. We also drove him down to get his hearing aids sorted out. Overnight we sleep on the double height blow up airbed, which I would describe as being atop a large square wobbly pork pie. Anyway we woke up at 2am with our feet in the air as the thing had developed an air leak and slowly let us down. Taking all the cushions off the sofa and chair to lie on we managed to get back to sleep again. So, when everything was all fixed we took them down to the pub for lunch, phew! Then we drove over to see Uncle Charlie who already had a few friends in, plus us four made it eight. Anyway, over cups of tea we all enjoyed a good chat together.

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